Thursday, May 21, 2009

Becoming Aware of Our Transient Future: Reflections, Insights, and Pondered Ideas On Staggering Super-Adaptation Demands— Deep Understanding And Practical Prescriptions For A Daring (Man-Made And Otherwise) Third Millennium!

By © Copyright Andres Agostini (Freak of Omniscience Application), February 07 / 2K9 - Arlington, Virginia, USA

Andres Agostini

High-Tech Visionary and Researching Strategist,

Advisor on Management/Business/Leadership/et al.

© Copyright 2009 by Andres Agostini

(This material may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice.)



This monograph (also available at—concerning science, technology, management, business, leadership, and the strategizing corporately and institutionally via ‘scenario methods, among other concurrent approaches, along with the omniscience perspective’ of FUTURES practiced— reflects what I have learned over the course of working with literally hundreds of scholars, statesmen, professors, entrepreneurs, business owners, scientists, philosophers, inventors, tycoons, consultants, advisers, managers, analysts, practitioners from many fields, and researchers over twenty-five years. In this monograph, I will define omniscience and its perspective in detail thereinafter. It can also be seen at


Since the beginnings of civilization, humans have longed progress. Progress is the future outcome of cascades of ‘current moments’ flowing divergently. People use a variety of techniques, skills, and methods to reach for better times, namely the future. In these days, many people know that the future holds a great promise in technological advancement. Others, the contrarians, believe that there is a great gamut of global problems, threatening the future itself.

Contrarians believe that advanced science and technology can both create solutions to old and new problems, as well as making other challenges even more difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, Armageddon and other catastrophes—that must be countermeasured at any logical cost—have likelihood. I strongly opine that we must boldly extract hazards from these existential perils. One must remember this maxim: every expert action to terminate a danger before crystallizing might become another risk. That’s why great caution and the systems methodology with the omniscience perspective are emphatically recommended.

The more the crises and challenges—never losing sight of the orders of magnitude implicated, I see more and more opportunities though!

In my opinion, the new technologies can help us all. By way of example, the medical technologies can foster a healthier person with a better quality of life. The environmentally friendly technologies, in my view, can make us restore—to some extent—the ecosystem, thus improving the crisis of the global climate. This, clearly, will prove or not to being a great future, since, at the present time, most technologies required are under stringent development.

There are many who think that so much technology can end this world. They, for instance, oppose to governments allowing scientists to write and re-write (mathematical prose) the genome, especially that of humans. Even worse, they fear this technology allows for a frenzy bazaar without, say, bioethics. I, myself, wouldn’t like to have a son with the eyes of an eagle. Yes, I will like him to have a cochlear for sight augmentation and refinement. The contrarians fear strongly for those who live by power, fame, money, and notoriety. They advise prudence in extreme.

There are so many global crises indeed. I am concerned but mobilized to the utmost. When you come to think of it, there is a good aspect to these catastrophes. So-called statesmen are speaking with a better tone, a lower voice, a controlled ego, thus collaborating fluidly with each other. “Each other” is equivalent to friends, allies, adversaries, detractors, and even some challenging people who are in love with embracing antagonism and belligerence.

I don’t use the ‘audacious hope’ theme. Certainly, humanity must fight back all these dilemmas. To this end, Evelin Lindner states, “Pessimism is a luxury of good times… In difficult times, pessimism is a self-fulfilling, self-inflicted death sentence.”

To conclude and in my personal opinion, the future and its arsenal of new technologies are inevitable to happen. New technologies are not evil. The ones with the ill behaviors are humans themselves. The future has a combination of two facets, opportunities and risks. I am convinced that civics and strong morality and ethics can allows us to mitigate the risks to the most, so that that a context and pathways are built for civilization’s viability. Divine intervention will be indispensable as magical incantation is not of the undersigned’s interest.


The FUTURE always wishes to readily equip the present with novel information. Why? Because the FUTURE considers the PRESENT a failed stated in the realm of time, and does not desire to get implicated with the downsides of a sub-optimal fellow.

As the FUTURE gives the PRESENT a bad score and becomes judgmental on it, the PRESENT flagrantly denies and rejects the current existence of the FUTURE.

As the FUTURE paraphrases Shakespeare’s sentence (fears take away the good with which we could win) and executes it in the practice, the PRESENT feels a great animosity against such a maxim and habit.

The forthcoming FUTURE – already scattered among us – has a lot to offer to the PRESENT, namely an invaluable out-of-this-word-and-time source of narrative and numerical data (unexplored repository knowledge waiting to being seized and administered by the PRESENT and its inhabitants). Can you think of anyone more visionary than the king in his class, the FUTURE?

The PRESENT, unfortunately, is somehow anecdotal while the FUTURE ruthlessly and relentlessly abides by ever-emerging scientific truths. These truths contained vast gold mines for creation, recreation, and supercreation, as well as for devastation. The cultivated brains must root out the endless dangers to capture the benefits, so humankind prevails on Earth and much more beyond it if the Universe, too, –and its own dynamics– warrants such a license.

For the first time in history, we can work backward from our imagination rather than forward from our past. “In the midst of chaos, there is a learning lesson to assimilate. Sometimes the table is served for an OVER-LEARNING if the prepared mind is paying huge attention to the nano-granularity of details.” (Andy – Andres Agostini, Nov/23/2001, 8:34 p.m. EST).

“To me unchartered territory is the most splendorous ‘terra incognita’ territory, chiefly because of its sheer number of unknown knowns.” By Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy), Friday, May/08/2008 + Arlington, Virginia, USA

The term singularity entered the popular science culture with the 1993 presentation at NASA-sponsored conference of a seminal paper by San Diego State University statistician Vernor Vinge. The abstract of the famous essay is as daunting today as it was more than a decade ago:


“Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended …Is such progress avoidable? If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may survive? These questions are investigated. Some possible answers (and some further dangers) are presented…”

“I just wonder if the FUTURE is always stalking on the PRESENT! Perhaps, it is so. One thing can be ascertained, because of its non erudite nature, the FUTURE (the over-ruling) is always filibustering the PRESENT (the enslaved).” (Andy – Andres Agostini, Jan/19/2009, 3:17 p.m. EST).

Andy-Andres Agostini: “these days—meaning: these seconds—the totality of all is in the making perpetually. That to be ‘in the making’ made—at this time—is relentlessly thought of and thought through way in advance. This is a technique to CURRENTLY get your brains over-insourced by zillion, practiced futuristic scenarios.” (Andy – Andres Agostini, Jan/17/2009, 10:21 p.m. EST).

"The FUTURE WILL HIT the PRESENT AND ITS RESPECTIVE GROUND, RUNNING. All of that as it has been seen up to the present time. This is a hyper-accelerated Eon and ever-increasingly by an over-exponential factor. Said ‘over-exponential factor,’ even when multiplied by many orders of magnitudes as in effect it is, the non-linear geometrical growth of it is by most people immeasurably underestimated." – (Andy – Andres Agostini, Jan/19/2009, 11:09 p.m. EST).

“To me–The PAST is more like Alice (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). The PRESENT seems more like Mr. Hyde while the FUTURE appears to be more like the conspiracy of Dr. Jekyll and Dorian Gray. Perhaps, we will need the combined effort by Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christies to decipher the outright enigmas, namely those stemming from the always-awaited-but-intruding FUTURE.” – (Andy – Andres Agostini, Jan/19/2009, 11:21 p.m. EST).

“Progress is the future outcome of cascades of ‘current moments’ flowing divergently.” – (Andy – Andres Agostini, Jan/25/2009, 5:04 p.m. EST).

Most business plans are ill-conceived indeed, as they are written-up and reckoned with the eyes fixed in prehistory. IF IT IS NOT AN ACTUAL SUB-SET OF A MUCH GREATER AND THOROUGH ADVANCED RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, THE FIRM WILL MEET GARGANTUM CHALLENGES. Otherwise, there will be great opportunities! One end of the greatest Risk Management Effort (extraneous to insurance, co-insurance, re-insurance, bonds, etc.) is to entertaining the fiscally sound outcomes of a business, literally any business, challenge, or task.

This FUTURE, that throws around its weight through every facet of the PRESENT impiously, might be 99.99% INEVITABLE. Inevitability, in this instance, equates to meaning that it will be a rogue dictator, over-ruling capriciously and solely by its way and taste. The unavoidable consequences of this FUTURE can be mitigated or at least somehow modulated. Evidently, this FUTURE’s UPSIDES can, perhaps, be seized and even amplified. To meet both requisites, there is one HUGE prerequisite before proceeding any further. That is, that the TOTALITY of HUMANKIND has to converge—‘on the doubles’—on the most essentials Herculean tasks to do in order to attempt the sustainability of the corresponding civilization as it is known / perceived now.

Possibly, this FUTURE will not have—as per the hopes treasured by all-walks-of-life eyewitnesses—a ‘natural tendency.’ Put plainly, because it is being envisioned and worked-out preternaturally, this FUTURE may appear – before our naked eyes – with extreme tendencies and directives that evoke the most extravagant and transhuman mandate. The terms “extravagant” and “transhuman,” in this case, apply for even the ultimately leading-edge practitioner of the scientific realm, either within the eminent establishment, or those with an unauthenticated citizenship from the avant-garde renegade-verse. It might be a genuine deal, it might not?

Said dictator will not impersonate anyone. He will be THE maximum MONARCH OF TECHNOCRACY by his own right, Remember? Yes, yes, yes—I know. Technocracy, the gentleman, just espoused a lady with an appalling temperament that looses composure oft, even before the state’s visits by the Holly Pope. Her fist name is “Global.” Her surname is “Crises.” That’s the reason why this “power couple” has made Sir Francis Bacon a best-selling icon, “FOR TIME IS THE GREATEST INNOVATOR.” Gotten it?

The PRESENT carries on superfluously. But the FUTURE is over-impregnated and super-immersed with detailed meaning and significance and projected transgressively a là ‘omni mode,’ as well as with its manifesting tangibly and intangibly pervasive ubiquity.

Perpetual innovation is a rogue truth to this PRESENT. The breadth, depth, scope, and rate of acceleration of this FUTURE’s perpetual innovation will be endless, endless so beyond the wildest dream or nightmare ever conceived by the ultimately noted or most criticized sci-fi writer. To attribute to this FUTURE’s perpetual innovation a quality of far-fetched will be an extreme over-simplification.

The PRESENT is a function of the PAST and, above all, a function of the FUTURE. The PRESENT is a function of the PAST only in part. Remember: The FUTURE is always pre-clashing and/or clashing the PRESENT, thus continuously shaping and re-shaping the PRESENT to a great extent. The FUTURE is, so to speak, 30% a function of the PRESENT and 70% a function of the FUTURE itself. The PRESENT is bathed by permanency and by the quality of being impermanent. The PRESENT is not a snapshot or fixed (static). It is the linkage, superposition, and/or intertwining of many films (dynamical). Its dynamism grants itself, the PRESENT, huge ambitions to becoming the FUTURE while trying to capture the ‘here and now’ mirage. There are too many ‘heres’ and a myriad of ‘nows.’

The PRESENT is always infinite, unless its interrelationship with the FUTURE stops. The FUTURE is never endless unless a great anomaly takes place.

Concerning the PRESENT and specially the FUTURE, the great majority of people failed to considering the possibility of anything going wrong, no matter how remote the location or complexity of the implementation environment.

The PRESENT and the FUTURE engender tsunamis of CHANGES. When you altered your work because of competition and/or difficult times, you are CHANGING your professional occupation (organizational strategy). When you reflect and modify you innermost, you are CHANGING your essence to some extent. CHANGING your essence to being ADAPTABLE to ever-shifting realities. When CHANGE is always altering all types of CHANGES, the scientific properties of known and unknown changes get modified, sometimes profoundly. This extreme modification is what I have been referring to ‘CHANGED CHANGES.’

CHANGED CHANGES make the overwhelming case for ‘beyond unprecedented’ reinvention of humans, business and lifestyles, organizations, businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, societies, and worldwide society. In the process, the extreme makeover is in nothing superficial or similar. And the call is an abrupt wake-up alarm to all sorts of leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, business owners, government administrators, consultants, adviser, strategists, professors, teachers, students, researchers, and any breathing or cryogenized human being.

At the time being, it does not matter anymore where you come from and how this impact your ‘current’ PRESENT. Instead, what is presently relevant for you to envision are the floating, fluxing, cross-railed FUTURES as they climb the treacherous building-block ladder, the ladder of accumulation of opportunities, challenges, and perplexing, but exuberant, tradeoffs. These tradeoffs poise the least thinkable of the unthinkable results, challenging our body (physiology), mind (psychology), and soul (spirituality). To apply for practical leadership credentials will be a nearly, though not impossible, insurmountable enterprise.

How insurmountable? As nearly insurmountable as attempting to hike the Everest cloth-less, equipment-less, ill-prepared, without a crew and the indispensable Sherpa, as you walk and climb toward the mountain’s peak with your back focused on the peak and while your eyes are grabbed by the starting-point locus. You can always walk into the FUTURE backwards to revive the fossilized vestiges of blur/made-up memories that eat your soul out.

You know what the PAST is? Reply: The eternal creative-tension discrepancies between the FUTURE and the PRESENT, encapsulated in a stream of segments from the ‘preterit tense’ kingdom, a kingdom that is neither awaken nor significant.

Clearly, the genetics of the human beings will have a notable impact on the psychology and physiology of the humans until the FUTURE’s say. Such a say has a designated ‘due time.’ By all effects, the FUTURE is always a representative of three facets. There is the facet of opportunities that we can call UPSIDE RISKS. Another facet is that of the likelihood of potential disruption. The former impersonates the DOWNSIDE RISK. Thirdly, there’s the facet of blended UPSIDE RISKS with DOWNSIDE RISKS. To really get the OPPORTUNITIES the DOWNSIDE RISKS must be terminated or, at least, mitigated.

Such eternal creative-tension discrepancies —as imposes the rogue and nearly ageless interrelationship between the FUTURE and the PRESENT—wage a 'preemptive war' to get the PAST under retirement. These eternal creative-tension discrepancies make three major displacements. Firstly, it displaces the PAST to a corner where vestiges are fossilized but not looked after. Secondly, it displaces the PRESENT closer to the FUTURE. Thirdly, the FUTURE pulls pervasively the PRESENT to the FUTURE’s intimate spheres of influence, since this monarch (the FUTURE) wishes the PRESENT to be the ultimate, loyal subject of the FUTURE. This wish from the FUTURE is to this monarchical ruler a sine qua non without fail.

It must be mentioned that interrelationship between the FUTURE and the PRESENT is intense and will become increasingly more intense, beyond the boldest and lucid imagination.

Mother Nature is a great and loving and noble matriarch. The Universe is the oldest and wisest Patriarch, perhaps the elder son of the greatest intelligence of all. The Multiverse (many universes with, at the same time, many dimensions) is not only the maximum, all-enabling Patriarch, but also a pervasive Patrician holding the greatest intelligence, wealth, perhaps the elder son of omniscience, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, and A.I. (artificial intelligence).

Successful and tough reverse-engineering captures breakthrough innovations for the PRESENT’ and from the FUTURE’s dominion. Reverse-engineer all regardless of its origins, terrestrial or extraterrestrial. This is important to bear in mind.

Every human is partly earthling and partly extraterrestrial. Why? Because pre-biogenesis and bio-genesis was (at least and as it seems) massively instilled from the outer space. If extraterrestrial beings existed, they would be, in fact, siblings to current humans. How come? Because there are other genesis different from biogenesis on Earth, whether within our knowledge or not. A genesis does not only take place only on Earth, but in the whole Universe if it is or not under known and unknown modes.

To capture benefits and to extreme-make-over leadership and to scientifically steward disruption potential, you need to understand the PRESENT, the FUTURE, and its frenzy interrelationship. In making this effort optimum—and among other prerequisites—we must find out and address two topics. One topic has to do with how we reached this PRESENT out of a scattered PAST’s technological accomplishment as we constructed an expanded knowledge repository just by practicing future scenarios through radiant foresight, far-sight, hindsight, insight, and innermost-sight.

Another topic is that insidious habit of the FUTURE in seducing the as-of-now PRESENTS while the citizens of such PRESENTS make us agent so many looking-forward changes that set afire the interrelationship between this PRESENT and this FUTURE. Now we know how we got to ‘here’, ‘here’ is the hyper-dynamism of flows, in-flows, counter-flows, avant-garde flows, crossed-pollinated flows, point-inflecting flows. “As-of-now” exactly refers to the PRESENT-FUTURE’s own tête-à-tête.

‘Here’, while in the PAST, was a bit statistical but never really so. The so-called ‘here’ is undergoing a total immersion of numberless processes, transactions, deeds, etc. ‘Here’ has always been mobilized. ‘Now’ is motorized at a rate that is beyond awe-inspiring. We just got the ‘now’ about right to this point. To turn savvier on this FUTURE, one must be a genius in his executions (sic).

Then, he / she has to make the greatest effort of all, that is, to think unthinkably in relation to present forces and respective futuristic trends—both subtle and dramatic ones as well as those driving and marshalling and enforcing just brute-force dramatic ones—by means of the practical implementation of scenario planning.

Thereinafter, your unthinkable thinking about FUTURES must become more refined, enhanced, exuberant, streamlined, diverse, expanded, and extended. In doing so, it never suffices to come up with a three-scenario forecast. Subsequently, forecasts must carry with you as many plausible or implausible scenarios as resources required never loosing the maximum rigor. Also, no optimum forecast is great enough if it is not accompanied of an arsenal of plans of contingency. Each scenario crafted must have its respective, unambiguous plan of contingency without a fail.

All of this is true for humans from the PAST and the PRESENT. Toward a more advanced time—and by means of reverse-engineering with the omniscience perspective—the humans will increasingly be of different constituents and design.

The PRESENT is always unnecessarily delayed or even lost and absent-minded because its limits are impermanent and capabilities are finite. The PRESENT never contemplates fast-forward-ly, but in reversal in so adding to its even greater disadvantage. The FUTURE operates beyond the offensive acceleration of ‘light speed’-plus and nearly without or with zero limits or constraints or borders. The FUTURE is the Napoleonic Emperor that does everything only under its own terms, exploiting every advantage and disadvantage to its lucrative well-being and omni-ruling.

The FUTURE is accustomed to spying on the PRESENT. How come? The FUTURE is the PRESENT’s debriefing one. The FUTURE is, in many cases a virtuoso, though it at times voyeurs the PRESENT. What a horrendous vice! Such deed will NEVER be tolerated. How do you REHAB the FUTURE? Group therapy? Grouping it with whom?

The PRESENT is sleepwalking while the FUTURE is ‘child like’ wondered by daydreaming. In the mean time, the post-modern modernity is a rush getting more and more modern by unprecedented ‘shock and awe’ unearthed standards.

This criss-cross PRESENT will be reconstituted by the continually crinkum-crankum FUTURE inevitably. There is going on a terzetto in which the happenings are more or less like this: the PAST (R.I.P), the PRESENT (thé dansant), and the FUTURE (tertium quid). Clearly, the PAST is getting a CPR to be by historians. Earned in his own intellectual right, Jefferson stated: “I prefer the dreams of the FUTURE than history.”

Who would dare not to appreciate that nanotechnology, biotechnology, bionics, and artificial intelligence making deep and steep inroads? Incidentally, the definition of the omniscience perspective can be revised at as well.

The PRESENT is an absent-minded sardine while the FUTURE is giant cuttlefish in conspiracy with an octopus.

Ying and Yang have combined forces of subtle and dramatic origin. These days the PRESENT is a bit like a pseudo-harmonized Ying-Yang relationship. The FUTURE is only about Yang deeds.

The PRESENT is besieged by a bunch of dilettantes and poseurs. The FUTURE is—so to speak—à la Sir Francis Drake.

The PRESENT is more like Huckleberry Finn while the FUTURE is perhaps the archetype of Genghis Khan and his Mongols.

The stream of as-of-now PRESENTS will become—to some extent—one of the forthcoming FUTURES. At some point ahead, a PRESENT will be ultimately integrated into a single FUTURE. Such a FUTURE, though, will reach a point in which being bio-based or bio-related or not in vivo at all will be splendorously awaken and active. (March 12, 2009 at 1:34 p.m. EST. By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini ‘Andy’ at

Regardless of transhumanity, overhumanity, superhumanity, nonhumanity and ‘above and beyond’ humanity, the hard-core essential is and will be not being human but becoming and acting humanely. (March 12, 2009 at 1:58 p.m. EST. By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini ‘Andy’ at

The PRESENTS are from appalling and contentious interrelationship between Venus and Mars. The FUTURES are only from stringent Mars. Go and ask about it Dr. John Gray.

The FUTURES are supervening upon the PRESENTS in combination with the ruthless forces possess by the own FUTURES.

The PRESENT concerns the animal and vegetable kingdoms. The FUTURE is only about beyond post-humanity and its staggering brute-force-and-dramatically-subtle INTELLIGENCE.

The PRESENT pertains to discovering science. The FUTURE is absolute science dominance and nearly infinite power.


RISK, What is it from a unique, new perspective? RESPONSE: Chiefly but not always, risk is pent-up energy. Pent-up energy waiting to becoming constructive or destructive or both. What type of energy does risk entail? RESPONSE: Mostly, KINETIC ENERGY (the energy possessed by a body because of its motion [or temporarily paused motion], equal to one half the mass of the body times the square of its speed).

As any ENERGY, it is within its nature to get transformed and transformed and transformed endlessly. To get transformed into a lucrative initiative, the unleashing-process is scientifically stewarded, so that ENERGY (as it contained in RISK) makes a successful (optimum) landing in the ‘right quadrant’ (so to speak, meaning superseding NASA’s greatest expectations by far. I immediately explain why NASA has to be in this example). By way of example and in this occurrence, let’s cite when NASA’s Rover made it over-perfectly on Mars. How do you like that? This is the accomplishment of an UPSIDE RISK. UPSIDE RISK is always fruitful and advantageous.

When the unleashing of the kinetic energy is not known or it has not been identified and controlled or when the management is ineffectual (because it is not scientific enough), it takes place towards the antipodes. This is the accomplishment of a DOWNSIDE RISK. DOWNSIDE RISK is always fruitless and disadvantageous. THE GOOD SIDE OF THE PROBLEMATIC OUTCOME IF THAT ENGENDERS NEW KNOWLEDGE AND HEIGHTENS AWARENESS. There is also an additional issue when the DOWNSIDE RISK crystallizes into a disruption or a loss. I will explain ASAP. The come-true DOWNSIDE RISK has a huge magnitude as the Global Financial and Economic Crises (GFCAC) overwhelmingly verify. Then, it starts to attract other unbeneficial RISKS. How?

RESPONSE: Such a milestone as the case study spoken of makes all-kinds of people bewildered, frightened, and sometimes paralyzed. Paralysis is in this arena an extra terrible characteristic. Actions are paralyzed because the mind is terrorized by those biblical-proportion tragedies. If the GFCAC got the minds of the world’s dignitaries in stalled—and that of the supporting system of staff of such dignitaries, How do these people respond effectively and efficaciously, say, to (a) Bombardments by anarchists, (b) Pandemic flu, (c) Global climate, (d) Over population, (e) Extremely-worsened Poverty—globally, so forth?

Once a pre-existential downside risk is brought into existence, all resources start to fall short. To begin with and recapping, the dignitaries’ minds get inattentive and jammed to hold a veritable consideration of a second or a third global crises at the same time (energy, wars, failed states, maritime piracy, petroleum dictators, etc.). And the good aspect of it is that we have an arsenal of technological tools, like never before, to make Earth better. Obviously, the 700-billion inhabitants of the globe—in one or other magnitude as it depends on his / her resource availability— each other must industriously and instantly help to get back to a decent life, globally.

“Omniscience is the only salvation of Earth (a) if stringent and absolute morality and ethics are universally practiced by the totality of individuals, and (b) if, concurrently, the 700-billion inhabitants collaborate lavishly and fluidly with each other. I am still a realistic with a touch of optimism. Said optimism will come true and grow if people become honest, compassionate, and helpful to each others, as well as when solidarity among each other is practiced universally. My optimism would raise the highest bar if the greatest majority of the 700-billion would become ‘good Samaritans’ genuinely. ” – Andres Agostini “Andy” (Jan/24/2009), 4:23 p.m. – Arlington, Virginia, USA at

The most important resources, shared by everyone in different degrees, are the Intellectual Capital. Resources like trained ‘first responders’ are crucial. So is it with physical and digital infrastructure. Spiritual Capital is the perfect spouse of said “Intellectual Capital.” We must own the whole package without preconditions.

There is an even more important resource. Without it, the population of Earth can have a true ‘reality-check’ of how life is after life. What resource is that? RESPONSE: The Moral, Ethical, and Spiritual Capital! If humankind does have it and use it through its entirety, it got some chances. If humankind does not have it, go pray or meditate until the very last, forthcoming ‘reality-check’ talked about earlier. Even with the most splendorous omniscience marshaled in ‘omni mode’ mode, grave and universal violations to morality, ethics, as well as the pontification and application of corruption, said omniscience cannot prevent us from delighting us with a visit, without return, to life after life.

Amorality and immorality, beyond and above the banks and the stock markets of the world (and beginning with WORLDWIDE ‘Main Streets’), will ascertain the ultimate struggle to each and every specie on the face of Earth. IF WE, THE MOST-ADVANCED HOMINOIDS WISH IT TO BE OTHERWISE AND INSTILL VIABILITY TO OUR ONLY SPACECRAFT (THAT ONE THAT HOUSES THE 700-BILLION PEOPLE), THERE IS A MUCH BETTER CHANGE, NOT AN IMPEACHABLE GUARANTEE THOUGH. QUESTION: WHAT WILL BE YOUR OWN ELECTION ON BEHALF OF CIVILIZATION FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF ALL LIVING CREATURES ON THIS SPACESHIP, EARTH? RESPONSE: I just wonder, to be a bit kind to the reader!

In attempting to formulate futuristic scenarios –whereas one is expected to be practicing a drill from its furthest hindsight through plausible and even implausible foresight-driven outcomes (known or unknown ones, weirdest or not), there are many errors in the process. BUT WE MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT ERRORS ARE THE ULTIMATE LEARNING DEVICES AVAILABLE TO US. Clearly and only, if we register, document, and extract knowledge from said errors as a matter of a systematic habit brought into robust execution. ‘Futuristic scenarios’ practiced and ‘futures’ drilled are the landmark foundation to formulating a robust program of contingencies (countermeasures for the thinkable, unthinkable, expected, and/or unexpected).

Accelerating the ‘error making’ cycle–especially of those not so expensive undertakings–, allow the researcher, experimenter, and tester to capture more and more knowledge. Knowledge that is subject to falsification (à la Popper) or verification or amplification as it is deeply analyzed with other already applicable scientific truths.

Then, besides learning, one also becomes aware that must (a) get more and more prepared through the approach of omniscience (a bold effort to be made for good), and (b) that, in getting really prepared, his / her contingency planning will never be farfetched and/or too-farsighted in THESE TIMES OF THE ‘EVER-INCREASINGLY’ UNTHINKABLE ONES. THE UNTHINKABLE ONES WILL GET INCREASINGLY MORE AND MORE UNTHINKABLE. LET’S PAUSE THE GIRLIE CRY, GET PREPARED FOR AND USED TO THE WORSE. THE BRIGHT SIDE WILL ILLUMINATE A NEWLY-NASCENT ILLUSTRATION EON!

RISK, in general and by the public at large, is traditionally exceedingly underestimated. The mentioned underestimation carries with it a perpetually life-to-death disruption potential. By the way, this FUTURE has made a point of honor to demolish the traditions of times from the PAST and PRESENT. I am not sorry since Earth is not my invention. I disseminate onerous ideas and reflections for the greater good if that’s feasible at all.

What are the fundamental questions and reflections we are failing to formulate? What possible changes do we need to prepare for? Is there a toolbox to solving the challenges spoken of here? YES, ADVANCED RISK MANAGEMENT WITH THE OMNISCIENCE PERSPECTIVE—AND THROUGH MORALITY, ETHICS, AND PRINCIPLES—CAN TURN SOME IMPOSSIBLES, AS WELL AS SOME DISRUPTING POTENTIALS, INTO VIABLE ONES. That is, if there is not a major catastrophe in the world taking place and if the application of this discipline is instituted universally, literally by the totality of the population (clearly, with a variety of degrees through such application). If said ‘advanced risk management with the omniscience perspective…’ can, to a considerable extent, save civilization, HOW DO WE DISCUSS OUR WORLDWIDE CIVILIZATION’S CHALLENGES IN A USEFUL AND CONSTRUCTIVE WAY?

Robert Kennedy: The past is not the script of the future…Future is not a gift; it is a daily conquest.

“Concerning the FUTURE, the PRESENT is always naïve, timid, and pathologically passive.” –Andres Agostini (Andy)

2009’s 'Perpetual Novelty' –after taking a bite of the first years of Century 21– appears entirely, increasingly unleashed from precedent when analyzed from the longest and amplest historic perspective (pursued by an exact-science practitioner), thus creatively disrupting (dragging the FUTURE into this as-of-now PRESENT) a chain of past-time successions.

In the Third Millennium, the PAST is no longer appended to the FUTURE, that FUTURE that lays the law of our today (phrasing or paraphrasing Nietzsche). This Era People possess a fleeting moment as they might regret not to seize newest, undreamed of opportunities that shift their own bargaining power (this’ applicable to all facets of his personal, professional, and organizational life) ad infinitum. In the process, the incumbent must manage, in advance, a myriad of life-to-death threats, so that then he makes the best pre-conditions and conditions to capture favorable opportunities.

The links, between historic successions and other preterit sequences, not only are ‘broken’ and against fuzzy discernment and counter-intuitivism (that of my beloved, perhaps yet-in-its-infancy Quantum Mechanics), but also beginning to get unrelated to the essence, the substance, the depth and breadth, and scope, as well as to the veritable and relevant facts and statistics, those facts and statistics eternally undergoing massively ever-increasing dynamics. This material is hence anticipated to seal a gap in the leadership and management literature.

This saga that I pursue and share with the reader gained critical mass with the book “Future Shock” by Alvin Toffler. So many intelligent, talented, and valuable people acknowledged having read it, as they admit not having studied it thoroughly. My mind was caught in fire to learn much more on it. Since the advent of this precious book, I got marveled by the subject matter. To some folks that are suddenly interested, I still recommend them to read the FUTURE SHOCK thrice to begin started and to get engaged in the subject thereafter. This theme – among others – has been, is, and will be of my keenest interest until my life’s natural completion. Bertrand Russell declared, “I know many people that would rather die than think.” I will use many eloquent quotations from every world’s corner. That is, because the undersigning is committed to use every resource literally, among others, to make it easier to understand the great challenges and enormous opportunities that are hidden, but contained, in the “FUTURE” Pandora Box.

This is a time for us to change profoundly— changes that makes us more adaptable, resilient, knowledgeable, and savvy— while committed to super-learning. SEE, IF WE GET INTELLECTUALLY MORE PREPARED, DAY BY DAY THROUGH THE END OF TIMES, WE EXTRACT FROM OURSELVES THE INSIDIOUS OBSOLESCENCE UNIVERSALLY SPOKEN ABOUT AND VERIFIED THAT IS IMBEDDED IN THE HUMAN RACE’S GENOME. Super-learning makes the case for us to be within and beyond the boundaries of hyper-dynamism. If we get ultimately “dynamical,” we are in the optimum passageway to countermeasure threats, hazards, and vulnerabilities from this increasingly daring Epoch. Business restoration and continuity and sustainability are crucial as well.


We continue to create new ideas to the world’s storehouse of knowledge. Humans have been adding to their total knowledge (ever-progression into a larger but also more dramatic, subtle and savvy omniscience) steadfastly over the centuries, and the amount of knowledge we create is over-geometrically multiplying (at perpetually increasing folds) at incredible speed (forget maximum Century-20 standards). Beginning with the amount of knowledge in the known world at the time of Christ, studies have estimated that the first doubling of knowledge took place about 1700 A.D. The second doubling occurred around the year 1900. It is estimated today that the world’s knowledge base will double again by 2010 and again by 2013.

This Epoch did not only change the known nature of risk, opportunity, change, and leadership, but it is also flagrantly exploiting the unknown facets and dimensions of change per se. This ‘TOO FUTURED’ CHANGE I call ever-shifting ‘CHANGED CHANGES’. Incidentally, there is CHANGE generated by others agents and factors and even by unidentified forced with the watching eyes + paraphernalia of true science. This is mostly the CHANGE THAT HAPPENS TO US AND THAT, AT TIMES, the one that overwhelms us when catches us intellectually off guard. Resting on laurels is fine recipe to get to know the afterworld before time is called for.


The CHANGE, too, compounds, disrupting long-beliefs, value systems, cosmovision (micro, macro, and hybrid / blended ones), and sacred (and otherwise) assumptions (so to speak), as well as the respective lethargic ‘comfort zones’. Other people’s changes get compounded with our own direct effort to adapt, re-adapt, namely changing our minds, hearts, body, spirit, and soul. I timely share with the reader, to the purpose of the present work, the personal motto of Dr. Stephen Covey, “Live Life In-Crescendo.”


#1_Anomolous is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#2_Paranormal is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#3_Abnormal is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#4_Poltergeist is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#5_Phenomena is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#6_Phenomenon are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#7_Anti-natural is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#8_Preter-natural is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#9_Super-natural is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#10_Over-natural is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#11_Trans-natural is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#12_Unknowingly natural is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#13_Etherealness is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#14_UFOs are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#15_Extraterrestrials are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#16_Cosmogonies are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#17_Biogenesis is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#18_Cosmogony is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#19_Cosmo-chemistry is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#20_Biogenesis is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#21_The absurd/ridicule is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality and usefulness!

#22_Farfetchedness is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#23_A Highly-Social Multi-Savant is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#24_Farfetchedness is thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#24_Aliens are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#24_Terrestrial-extraterrestrial hybrids are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

#27_ Secret/"discrete" societies are thoroughly WITHIN STANDARD SCIENTIFIC normality!

Please remember: The Rules and Skill Requirements and Knowledge Contents (now in demand) have dramatically been altered and, even right now while your intellect dialogues with my intellect (as you read) through this monograph.

Nota Bene: This is the “Society of Knowledge,” not only because there is immense availability of knowledge, BUT BECAUSE YOU TOO MUST DEVELOP LEADING-EDGE KNOWLEDGE (PATENTABLE) CONTENTS TO REINVENT THE WORLD RELEVANTLY. The eternal quest for knowledge is very expensive on the whole. To me it is highly irresponsible not to digest and assimilate the maximum possible of such immense availability of knowledge, available to most by said “Society of Knowledge.”

Though, via the Internet, the KNOWLEDGE EXPENDITURE becomes quite affordable and democratic. It does allow access by many and increasingly by much more without any precedent, comparing it with the telegraph and the “snail telephone” of preterit times. In effect, the more the Internet connections, the less expensive will become the digital superstructure to that end. It is worth noting, subsequently, “…[THE] WORLD [IS] DROWNING IN DETAIL BUT STARVING FOR [THE INSIDIOUS—AT THE SUB-PARTICLE LEVEL— GRANULARITY OF DETAIL] KNOWLEDGE…” (John Naisbitt). The brackets and included context are mine to further illustrate what Naisbitt means in actuality.

People–in a genuine and relevant search–want, need, request, and demand the totality of knowledge.

Thereby, we are in a better situation to grasp a tiny bit of our destiny if we made the gargantuan effort to be ‘homework’ compliant. If all of us were completely determined and marshaled to sustained diplomatic efforts (non military ones) to be enforced by the U.S., E.U., South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and India, there may be, for example, a stop to North Korea’s ambitions for nuclear weapons.

So that you know: When we extract illiteracy from ourselves and to some extent, we are helping civilization (and the Earth that said civilization boarded) to prevail. This effort, nonetheless, must be massive, collective, and cross-functional. Extracting illiteracy from humanity is to institute, for example, sophisticated risk management on humanity and all of its constituents to a great degree. Never ever the old map suffices to get to a blurred, always-changing place of novelty.

Subsequently, awesome and emboldened and ubiquitous mind expansion is an unquestionable, day-to-day MUST-HAVE! Said ‘risk management’ does not ever equates with (a) Insurance, (b) Co-Insurance, and (c) Re-Insurance.

I have known many great talents in global corporations and multilateral institutions. Unfortunately, these incumbents don’t train and re-train themselves. There is abundant literature in the marketplace to update their doctoral degrees. Why managers, professors, and teachers don’t read fact-driven, hard-copied, paid-for literature? When I started college, both in Canada and the U.S., my academic advisors—before paying the tuition—told me that the validity of my studies would last for up to five (5) years immediately after completion.

I know many people that get a MBA and never ever get updated again. Many of them paid a high premium for a doctoral degree so that they didn’t have to seriously study any further. Clearly, people with doctoral degrees—on the whole—habitually require fine literature more than oxygen and other nutrients. The latter ones know that nothing is fixed, but mutating and transmutating. One must become a knowlegist immediately for his own sake.

On the other hand, the status quo — sometimes an agent that does not foster change — is by definition a static “elite” of society. I have nothing with noted elites that are always seeking to get better and excellent for the greater good of the world. I just don’t like “fat” establishments that let Earth rotate without executing anything fruitful. Some think-tanks are fluid and productive and indispensable groups of elite.

As you see the Nature with the naturalist eyes, you’ll see elites all over in the Animal Kingdom. Take a look at bees, aunts to cite two cases. In my opinion, Her Majesty, the Queen of England is instrumental to keep political / societal balances and counterbalances. Without His majesty, King Juan Carlos, Spain might need to check its collective mental sanity from separatism. He, too, with great prudence is instrumental to keep political / societal balances and counterbalances.

Subsequently, I have nothing against elites, establishments, and or status quo. Some features I might not agree upon, but I respect them all. I even respect those that might not respect my thoughts, ideas, theories, hypothesis, and/or conjectures. I do not, at all, belong to the called “counter-culture,” though I do respect them too and what they stand for. Why? Because I like openness and democracy to the utmost, especially that guarded by the rule of law.

Besides, one cannot practice truly advanced risk managements if he / she does not consider many futures via the scenarios method. One cannot exercise true and adaptable innovation without a conscientious and perennial consideration of (a) FUTURE and (b) RISK. As potential disruption always involves the so-called “human factor” and its inherent personal cosmology, those who study and research FUTURE and RISK must consider, too, Millennium-Three leadership well in advance.

Zero prognostication or divination here, just eliciting explosive and dramatically subtle, cross-fired trends to formulate futuristic scenarios (plotted on its respective, developed trends) and contingency plans. Without all of this, there is no management and/or business to be launched and maintain with success at all.

There is an Arab proverb that states, “Whoever sees the future lies even if he tells the truth.” A Chinese guru told his disciples, “attempt not to live in interesting times.” It has been our grace and disgrace to live in such interesting times. The guru meant that times like ours are troublesome for all-walks-of-life people, but hugely interesting for those who observe and ponder with a prepared mind.

The audaciously versed is to get mobilized, more than in any other fashion, in nothing less than in an omni-mode way. The defiance is that, in the process, he / she cannot lose the wisdom of the so-called ‘prepared mind,’ nor the rigor in this practitioner’s professional activities. If the brain qualifies to being a verbatim ‘prepared mind,’ it will be easy to keep going forward and backward with the required sound judgment. A sound judgment that is tackling up the addressed-to fuzziness lavishly.

The prepared minds, though, should responsibly be here to explain phenomena (scientifically, phenomena belongs into the realm of complex normalcy) and suggest pathways to overcome and navigate terra incognita’s unchartered waters with an even keel. We all must make these times better. The classical Beetles song goes, “take a sad song and make it better.” In other words, let’s make certain we can make the best out of the worst with the greatest determination ever.

I firmly believe that we should concentrate in the good as in parallel we ruthlessly root out the ill for good. I am, by way of example, immensely proud of NASA. I have been so all of my life. But every time I’m into it more and more. I celebrated by opening a small bottle of Champaign when I learned that the NASA rover made it successfully when landed on Mars. In my site at, I paid tribute to the men and women of NASA for such an accomplishment.

Please listen up, now! This achievement—given the infinite number of complex variables—is, in my opinion, to seize OVER PERFECTION. Think of it, an unmanned aircraft travels some 100 hundred million miles and lands safely on Mars. If OVER PERFECTION does not suffice your intellectual taste, How would you call it? Can you offer a name? I am sure that NASA has many roles to play—for the greater good of humanity—in global crises as those referred to as (a) Global Climate, (b) Green Energy, and many others. This OVER PERFECTION by NASA is intellectual working above and beyond the frontiers with omniscience-driven working cloths. OVER PERFECTION equates to the decease ‘Power of Simplicity.’ We must tender them many standing ovations but, more importantly, we need to support their organizational mission to the utmost.

No matter how many global, frenzy, intertwined, superposed, shocking, overlapping, building-up crises (e.g., climate, ecology, geology, economy, business, marketplace, terrorism, society, poverty, (super) population and its transformations, demographics, globalization, re-regionalization, geopolitics, rogue power and soft power waging, as-we-now-know-it democracy, second super power, soft and smart powers, tribes, religious organizations, criminal networks, unipolarity/bipolarity/multipolarity, international community, mercantilism, multilateral institutions, GDPs, defense spending, strategic rivalries, arms race, territorial expansion, military rivalries, world’s order, pandemic disease, energy, risk (downside risk), opportunity (upside risk), dangers, safety, security, reliability, policy responses and methods for predicting and managing catastrophes, quality assurance, corporate governance, emergency preparedness, restoration (private or civil or institutional), lifestyle, innovation, creativity, strategic/exuberant surprise(s), leadership, organizational strategies, management, economics, accounting, finance, marketing (some pundits of this area say that clients are too empowered to need a vestige of marketing/marketer anymore), customers, healthcare and life enhancement, institutions, biology, genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, intelligence amplification, biotechnology, nanotechnology, future generations, Nature, desktop computing, mobile computing, cloud computing, grid computing, autonomic computing, supercomputing, human history, wars, plagues, misguided ideologies, natural catastrophes, nuclear war, terrorism, global warming, biological weapons, totalitarianism, advanced nanotechnology, general artificial intelligence, social collapse, malfeasance from Wall Street / Other Stock Markets and the world’s 'Main Street', non-stop Universe’s expansion―'till Big Crunch’s yoctosecond, as well as the science, and technology per se, etc.

For instance and just to cite three significant vital factors, risk (downside risk), opportunity (upside risk), and leadership must be boldly re-conceptualized, re-imagined, and reinvented.

“The more the crises, the more the acceleration and progression of science and technology. The more the global crises, the more rampantly and numerous revolutions of science and technology. I’m speaking of revolutions, science, and technology different from what we have known until now, thereby without any historic precedent (no one).” –Andres Agostini (Andy) at

Practitioners, undergoing denial and contrarians to scientific progression as well as the concurrent threats in the globe, have to cope with changes in circumstances or assumptions or mentalities that turned out to be incorrect.

Today, we cannot change what we did yesterday. But because today will inevitably become tomorrow’s yesterday, there is often a great deal we can do to positively influence how our professional, organizational, and personal legacy will be remembered – to create the history we want, that is, if the human race truly longs for a much better outlook and to carry on.

This way each one / all, en masse, will realize how forceful everyone must come together into unison, as energized A-C-T-I-V-I-S-T-S in favor of the benefits and against this AGE’s challenges. To underpin this matter further , it’s worthy to read Tolstoy’s words: “the power of a group to their convictions does more and more certain good than all writings. Let us, therefore, one and all, live true to our convictions.”


This as-of-now FUTURE – brings about CHANGED CHANGES to the PRESENT – invariably sets off some wholly unpredictable chain of events. Within rampant unpredictability, there is, though, a hidden wealth of pervasive opportunities along with many radical risks.

Pervasive measures and countermeasures – being before numerous vulnerabilities and threats increasingly conspiring against humans – must also become generally known and administered properly at the public level. You might wish to download the latest official and public report by U.S. intelligence at

This as-of-now FUTURE – brings about CHANGED CHANGES to the PRESENT – invariably sets off some wholly unpredictable chain of events. Within rampant unpredictability, there is, though, a hidden wealth of pervasive opportunities along with many radical risks.

Pervasive measures and countermeasures – being before numerous vulnerabilities and threats increasingly conspiring against humans – must also become generally known and administered properly at the public level. You might wish to download the latest official and public report by U.S. intelligence at

What do I mean by instituting the Omniscience Perspective?

Omniscience, With The Perspective Of…

This is a compilation on the lexicon applied “omniscience” to illustrate its meaning. When it comes time to manage risks, futures, opportunities, leadership and great challenges of this Era, via omniscience you exploit the positive facet of the challenge by crippling the disruption potential, partly or completely.

If the problem can’t be solved at the same knowledge level it was birthed, let’s raise the ante dramatically—beyond and above any yardstick—by instituting the omniscience perspective without any mercy at all.

Ipso facto, you center-stage SUCCES or desired outputs to your favor and that of your onboard crew. This vital notion must be imbedded in the neurons of any Milleniunn-3 Leader, otherwise nonsense is preached and practiced.

One must make the effort to get the closet possible to applicable, applicable omniscience in the day-to-day battlefield. The reader is fully entitled to make his / her own conclusion. It takes hard work in extremis and a tsunami of determination to somewhat embrace the practicality of this crucial concept.

I will first give the reader the dictionary’s definition of “PERSPECTIVE.” Why? Because the idea is TO MANAGE WITH THE OMNISCIENCE PERSPECTIVE. As follows: “per•spec•tive (p…r-spµk“t¹v) n. 1. The technique of representing three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface. 2.a. A view or vista. b. A mental view or outlook. 3. The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision. 4.a. The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole. b. Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view. c. The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance. –per•spec•tive adj. Of, relating to, seen, or represented in perspective. –per•spec“tiv•al adj. –per•spec“tive•ly adv.”

This is the unified compilation of the Omniscience Definition:
(all of the following at the same time the whole time, increasingly so)

“ … Having total knowledge; knowing everything … One having total knowledge … Pansophy: ‘universal knowledge or wisdom...system or work embracing all knowledge ... pol•y•math: A person of great or varied, updated learning … know•ing … all-knowingness … Possessing knowledge, information, or understanding … Showing clever awareness and resourcefulness; shrewd ... Suggestive of secret or private knowledge … conscious … having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight … possessed of universal or complete knowledge … the omniscient narrator … A person of great and varied learning … one who has rejected authority and dogma in favor of rational inquiry and speculation … learning ; erudition ; teachers of great knowledge ; one who takes advice or information from others … familiarity or awareness or understanding gained through experience and study …the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, and/or learned … specific information about something … narrative and numerical data gathered and assimilated … the mastery of many areas of learning reflected in a scholar’s work … a collection of facts and data (A man’s judgment cannot be better than the information on which he has based it) … that who constructs expert systems … deep extensive learning … the instructed one that instructs other to get further instructed … the methods, discipline, and attainments via academia, personal, professional, organizational, and in-the-battlefield experience … extensive knowledge … infinite knowledge … convergence of all wisdoms brought into one ultimate over-wisdom … the state or quality of having infinite knowledge; knowing all things … universal knowledge or wisdom … system or work embracing all systems … a person of great and diversified learning … including in one view everything within and beyond sight, insight, and farsight … having infinite discerned insightfulness … a person of encyclopedic learning … omniscientia knowledge … having learned much in several fields of study concurrently … educated, knowledgeable ; wise, sapient … that possessing great wisdom and sound judgment … that who has been and remains schooled by the university of ‘hard knocks’ … one that presumes that all things have not done sufficiently optimally … a self-dealing person with his mindful transformation towards possessing all-knowingness … healthy obsession with the nano-granularity of detail as it is pondering a collective multitude of subject matters …. Profound knowledge, deep knowledge, total command or mastery; specialism, specialized or special knowledge; expertise, proficiency; wide or vast or extensive knowledge, generalism, general knowledge (updated), interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary knowledge; encyclopedic knowledge, polymathy, polyhistory, pansophy … learning by inquiry … knowing all happenings in the life or development of a people, country, institution, etc. … all scientific accounts of a system of natural phenomena … eternal learning of the most complicated, fact-driven literature … hidden knowledge, recondite knowledge … Development of character and mental powers through systematic instruction and pervasive intellectual activities to amplify and sophisticate your talents, skills, and practices…Including the body of knowledge of hermetic and secretive societies and associations…Hermeneutics, that is: the science of interpretation and explanation, especially the branch of theology that deals with the general principles of Biblical interpretation… ”

If attention is indeed paid to world-class, ‘cross-pollinated researched' literature and media, What are the good news? The current civilization can increase UPSIDE RISKS (benefits) and mitigate / terminate DOWNSIDE RISKS (disruptions), some existential and others not. Incidentally, one situation that does compound heavily (into terra incognita) is that of risks. CLEARLY, EVERYONE ON EARTH MUST INDUSTRIOUSLY WORK UNDER THE ROGUE RULING OF THE ULTIMATE DIVERSIFIED UNITY!

Diversity, when properly integrated and aligned, begets breakthrough innovation. QUESTION: WHICH PATH / ROUTE WILL THE PROFESSIONAL / BY-OWN-DESIRE IGNORANT, LAZY, MISTAKEN, IGNOMINIOUS, INDOLENT, OMINOUS, CORRUPT ONES TAKE? REMEMBER, 'ONE CANNOT GET TO A NEW PLACE WITH AN OLD MAP.' Just might need a GPS and a SAT-Phone and Sacred scriptures.

Problem: Way too many supine ignoramuses, numbering a tough majority. Facing Century 21, What / Where is your dynamic, real-time upgradable roadmap? Really? I just wonder! Kindly please —to great fanfare— receive a warm welcome to attending the DEATH OF UN-RESUSCITATABLE SCI-FI GENRE AND THE EVER-INCARNATION OF UBIQUITOUS SCI-FACTS. SUBSEQUENTLY, IT HAS NEVER BEEN MORE CRUCIAL TO BETTER YOUR INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL BEYOND BOUNDARYLESS DREAMS.

Anyway, 'THE EMPIRES OF THE FUTURE ARE THE EMPIRES «OR MONARCHICAL STRATA» OF THE MIND' (Churchill). HOW HAVE THE READER EXERCISED RADIANT AND PERVASIVE MIND EXPANSION LATELY? The Human Race has always longed for progress, ultimately upping its living standards for centuries. To that end, noted physicist, Dr. Stephen Hawking declares, ‘I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be on «the outer» space.’ I ask myself, How lengthy is ‘LONG’ for Dr. Hawking? In the mean time, underpinning Dr. Hawking’s lapidary words, “We [earthlings] must master [outer] space [even though whatever global crises are currently besieging Earth].” – Michael Griffin, NASA Administrator. Brackets and their contents are by Andres Agostini (Andy) at

In the process, the world stage has become a TREACHEROUS PROBLEM like never before (if one desires to see more on what I mean, please go to:

One can use a plain, lay mode to envision it (i.e., sub-optimally). This is fun and stress-free, but, once you capture a womb-to-tomb view of the world / universe (and what if the known universe is a sub-universe of larger sets), one can easily realize that the world civilization is into a life-to-death CHALLENGE, hugely and increasingly complicated. This is the Epoch of Complexity-Dom, and simplicity burial! Simplicity can certainly have a role— that is, when judgment, pondering, and intuition is flooded with leading knowledge assimilated and stewarded by and from the prepared mind. It does not work the other way around. One can see grave complexity all over when he observes in a plant the manufacturing process to make a plain, but indispensable, pencil.

It means that almost-700 billion inhabitants HAVE BEEN CHALLENGED FOR THEIR OWN SURVIVAL. In my opinion, this clearly represents zero magic solution, just hard, brainy work, with nil paradigms from and to everyone. There are too many out-crying, inflecting-point fronts. Behind the complexity of these increasingly daring tribulations of 24 / 7 – if mitigated and terminated – there is, though, a WEALTH OF OPPORTUNITY. Where? By way of example, in the development of called “green energy.”

Incidentally, this is not the taken-for-granted ‘Society of Knowledge.’ It is very expensive, since one must daily mortgage their intellectual capital endlessly and to the utmost and for good. I, for example, did not obviously give birth to hominoids, nor ever consider myself the supreme intelligence in the universe (let’s just abide by facts and figures and preternaturalist thinking, as an amicable unasked suggestion); Primates (including pre-humans and humans) were occupying the land and wandering around, intrigued by copious wonders. A mind + A body + An opposite finger (thumb) + a rock can equate to a great deal of fine and terrible, weaponized artifacts. These tools can build up a cathedral or bring it down. What are the fundamental ethical principals involved?

BEFORE, you were “drinking” information through a soft drink’s straw. NOW, you are “drinking” information from a hydrant as you ain’t seen nothing yet!

“In the midst of chaos, there is a learning lesson to assimilate. Sometimes the table is served for an OVER LEARNING if the prepared mind is paying huge attention.” (Andy – Andres Agostini, Nov/23/2001, 8:34 p.m. EST).

“By the way, DISORDER, CHAOS, ORDERS, AND THEIR RHYTHMS (movements or variations characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions.) THAT GET ON BECOMING SELF-ORGANIZED”. – (Andy – Andres Agostini, Jan/21/2008, 03:21 p.m. EST).

Those, today, easily gain critical mass when the 7-billion souls wish to breathe and make a living and enjoy some world-class life standards, literally ‘de luxe.’ The adage, ‘one thing at the time’ will NOW be replaced by ‘A PLENTIFUL, FOREVER-ONGOING [AND EVER-INCREASINGLY SO] CLUSTER / BUNCH OF DRAMATIC AND EXPLOSIVE PLUS SUBTLE THINGS [UNDER REGISTERED AND UNREGISTERED PERVASIVE FORCES] IN REAL TIME AND ALL OF THE REAL-TIME TIME.’

As people have evolved and progressed, they have partly compounded the past into the present. MEANTIME, THE FUTURE IS ALWAYS PRE-CLASHING THE CURRENT PRESENT. The more FUTURE pre-clashes and/or clashes the as-of-now PRESENT, the more obsolete the PAST becomes without a fail. GOOD TO KEEP IN CONSIDERATION, ‘IT IS OUR FUTURE THAT LAYS DOWN THE LAW OF OUR TODAY’ (FRIEDRICH WILHELM NIETZSCHE). THIS ‘PRESENT’ IS INFINITELY (NON-LINEAR-LY AND) MORE COMPLEX THAN OTHER PRESENTS.

“One can examine history, but he / she is urgently obliged to conceive and develop the FUTURE.” – Andres Agostini (Andy)

“If everything is related to everything else,’ we can then state—at the discrete level—that ‘everything interacts proactively with everything else.’ –Andres Agostini (Andy)

“At the non discrete level—managers, consultants, strategists, and authors remind readers ‘to connect all with all.’ In doing so, one makes more fluid, robust, and unpredictable the blurred connections that take place when ‘everything interacts proactively—at the discrete level—with everything else.’…” –Andres Agostini (Andy)

Now, we reached a canonical milestone that requires each one of us to do the best we know NON-STOP-LY. Back in the eighties, life was much easier, say, in the West. It is difficult not to feel nostalgia for those at-ease times. A great Scotsman speaks about this in length. He, Eamonn Kelly, works for Global Business Network (Kelly is GBN’s CEO). He authored a great book, ‘Powerful Times’. Thereby, ZERO EASINESS AND NONE SIMPLE SOLUTIONS, ARE NEVER EVER VIABLE IN THIS FLUID EPOCH. If one were to apologize subsequently, (please) not me, not to me.

We have been called to revolt and act upon many techniques and methods compiled and compatible with a technocratic revolution. But to get the maximum output, the musical must be choreographed (processes stemming from the respective throughput) and, above all, acted based on ‘esprit de corps’ unanimity. By the way, I am into frictionless capitalism, though I seriously doubt that the worldwide stock markets will be the same. It is, at least, as important to determinedly look after the legitimate needs, requirements, and expectations of humanity. At any rate, such humanity needs a viable economic work of reference, especially with so many in needs.

By the same token I, too, strongly believe in assisting the people as an extremist humanitarian. I’m a centrist + independent (without foolish ideologies, dogmas, doctrines) and within TRUE DEMOCRATIC VALUES AND PRACTICES, OBSERVANT OF UNIVERSAL VALUES.


Incumbents, the civilization in its entirety, are entrusted with seeing (that is, seeing with the granularity of detail) the big picture, namely the FLOWING, OVERRIDING W-H-O-L-E. If one does not comprehend it, seize assistance from a pro. This attempt is not only supreme within civilization’s vested interest, but it’s ―also and indubitably― a sine qua non that humankind must not fail to ignore. Ignoring it will be foolish for lack of a more grotesque profanity. Let’s keep in consideration, ‘an ignored issue is a problem invitation’ (Dr. Henry Kissinger). To further illustrate this whitepaper’s focus, ‘a problem can never be resolved at the same level of knowledge that was created.’ (Einstein).

Can Andy recommend a success prescription for the presently-shifting Eon, let’s state yea! As ensues:

Picture mentally radiantly.

Draw outside the canvas.

Color outside the vectors.

Sketch sinuously.

Far-sight beyond the mind’s intangible exoskeleton.

Abduct indiscernible falsifiable convictions.

Reverse-engineering a gene and a bacterium or, better yet, the genome.

Guillotine the over-weighted status quo.

Learn how to add up—in your own mind— colors, dimensions, aromas, encryptions, enigmas, phenomena, geometrical and amorphous shapes, enigmas, phenomena, methods, techniques, codes, written lines, symbols, contexts, semantic terms, magnitudes, longitudes, hunches, so forth.

Project your wisdom wealth onto communities of timeless-connected wikis.

Cryogenize the infamous illiterate by own choice and reincarnate (multiverse teleporting out of a warped passage) Da Vinci, Bonaparte, Goethe, and Einstein.

Organize relationships into voluntary associations that are mutually beneficial and accountable for contributing productively to the surrounding community.

Practice the central rule of good strategy, which is to know and remain true to your core business and invest for leadership and R&D.

Kaisen it all unthinkably and thoroughly by recombinant, Gendaken-motorized judgment.

Provide a roadmap for drastically compressing the time it will take you to get on the top of the job, nonetheless of your organizational level.

With the required knowledge and relationships imbedded in organizations, create support for, and carry out transformation initiatives.

Offer a tested pathway for addressing the linked challenges of personal transition and organizational transformation that confront leaders in the first few months in a new tenure.

Foster momentum by creating virtuous cycles that build credibility and by avoiding getting caught in vicious cycles that harm credibility.

Institute coalitions that translate into swifter organizational adjustments to the inevitable stream of changes in personnel and environment.

Mobilize the overriding energy of many others in your organization.

Step outside the boundaries of the framework system when seeking a problem solution.

Describe to yourself how you connected those blurred dotted-lines into an outputted radiantly thinking, i.e. fruitful idea!

Fail swiftly to embolden an even faster success. FAILURE IS, IN EFECT, SUCCESS UNDERGOING PREPARATION AND AWAITING TO BEING UNLEASHED. Take this entrepreneurial habit to being re-written up onto the corporate genome. Now, the corporate genome is ‘open source’ to the specific wiki within the boundaries of the firm’s intranet. Remember: keep refining it by speedily upgrading it.”

Ask yourself to imagine you have fast forwarded into implementation of the plausible and implausible FUTURES, so that the learned imaginations are brought into fruitful use in the ever-flowing PRESENT.

In order to do your ultimate, you must foresight / far-sight beyond the FUTURES’ line, to propel yourself beyond it at your light speed.

Capitalize on the energy, creativity, and goodwill that boosted you to envision successful, but plausible scenarios, precluding your risk to dissipating that momentum and having to start implementation from a standstill.

Consider and prepare (well in advance) for contingencies that are reasonably and unreasonably foreseeable.

Communicate to your deal-making crew members’ key lessons about the other side, their operating style, their communication style, how they manage relationships, and how they manage commitments.

Gain firsthand knowledge of what the folks (those with whom you’re negotiating deals) on the other side really care about, what their corporate idiosyncrasy is, what their objectives are, who their shareholders are, and what the potential implementation barriers may be.

Be the beaver—whatever your line of practice— whose eagerness drives you into rogue and subtle and perennial SKUNKS-WORKS with an overbearing and overriding boundaryless performance.

Build stakeholders into the road map conducive to an organizational culture of iconoclasts (your crew) who marshal into capturing breakthroughs and their implementation.

Learn, prevent, mitigate, enhance, streamline, distill, and EXPLOIT!

Be your own worst critic of your thinking process and behavior so that you decimate your imperfections swiftly and increasingly and for good. You goal is that said process allow your optimal purposes to leave off “perfect” (bad-taste stasis) for “perfectionist” (continuously agitating homeostasis into a sovereign’s gusto). Thereby, you’ll be not only a better management practitioner, but a nobler person.

Be anxious to move on to the next scientific discovery implementation.

The Success Ultimatum: Harvest and apply lessons learned until your last exhalation.

Proactively support consistency, transparency, accountability, responsibility, and truism, as you integrally become a universal law-abiding citizen.

Tell the World unambiguously: What purpose do you serve?

Devise new realities to sculpt multiple ways of creating success in order to rise transcendence.

Work in a challenging yet gratifying and learning environment, in which your talents are recognized and rewarded.

More AGOSTINI SUCCESS TENETS at the ensuing, designated title.

Additionally, it is good and timely to remember some of Napoleon's wise words. I consider Napoleon an ultimate authority on applied 'Scientific Systems Methodology,' even as per our present-times standards. Napoleon (a noted Corsican of Italian heritage who overtook and led the French Empire grandiosely) firmly suggested boys, graduated from the 'lyceum' (high school) and honorably discharged from the army, to master two vital disciplines. One was the ENGLISH language (Shakespearean lingua franca) and the other was SCIENCE. Voltaire (a great French intellect), too, emphasized the essentiality of this language.


There are many things we can do to re-capture success in life, profession, and family. The breadth of methodologies is overwhelming. Clearly, an unlearned methodology—regardless of how practical it is—has a null value and becomes a “heavy dead weight” to drag around and burdening further Earth’s civilization into compounded crises in addition.

I defined, with the assistance of my own research, the term “omniscience” under the contest directly related to this monograph’s hard-core focus. In different degrees of breadth and scope, almost anyone can institute it to some extent. However, no management nor scientific nor technological challenge—including the global crises of the economy and climate—can be solved at all if first the violations against morality and ethics are not immediately stopped. “Wisdom is knowing what to do; virtue is doing it.” – David Starr Jordan

THE GRAVEST GLOBAL CRISIS—AMONG THE WHOLE ARRAY OF GLOBAL CRISES— IS EXACTLY THE UNIVERSAL VIOLATIONS AGAINST MORALITY AND ETHICS. If this one is not on-goingly, fluidly for good. Only fixed for real, there is no need to attempt to tackle up the solutions for including the global crises of the economy and climate.

There are many ill and evils that can be extracted from this perpetually forthcoming FUTURE of the as-of-now kingdom. Believe me that science and technology applied with ethics to the ultimate good of humankind is already here and will not stop to becoming even more available and pervasive to our best advantage. But if you use a Machiavelli’s stratagem to steal a candy from a little kid—and this is practiced more and more generalized over the world—world’s society is very, very sick.

To this specific front, (von) Goethe reminds us, “If everyone would just sweep their own front porch, the whole world would be clean.”

Active solidarity and active compassion while engaged in social causes lager’s than anyone’s self interest. It should not be considered inconsequential, foolish, and even ridiculous. If we truly wish the world to be sustained in viability at it develops the human potential for the greatest good, we must go back to some, life-to-death essentials. Those essentials, that the human race must pay detailed attention to, have to do with us all becoming industriously into being and compassionate to everyone detailed attention to, have to do with us all becoming industriously into being and compassionate to everyone without a fail. “What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?”

“Omniscience is the only salvation of Earth (a) if stringent and absolute morality and ethics are universally practiced by the totality of individuals, and (b) if, concurrently, the 700-billion inhabitants collaborate lavishly and fluidly .” – Andres Agostini (Jan/24/2009), 4:23 p.m. – Arlington, Virginia, USA at

Finally, as we remove ourselves from the effort of rescuing the world from calamities, we might, just might, end up saving civilization.

To enhance the understanding of the present Conclusion, please note the following Conclusion’s Quotations:

Confucius: “When we see men (many in the planet’s civilization) of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.”

Evelyn Underhill: “After all it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life (the entire of Earth and all of the respective species, including the Homo Sapiens Sapiens).”

Winston Churchill: “the empires of the FUTURE are the empires of the MIND.”

Thomas Jefferson: “I prefer the stories of the FUTURE than history (PAST).”

Martin Luther King: “Life is like a besieged city surrounded on all sides…Each of us has a place on the wall to defend and no one can stand where another stands, but nothing prevents from calling encouragement to one another?”

By © Copyright Andres Agostini (Andy)

PS_1: Of course, the present work cannot cover every assumption that might drive the impact (behavior) of each FUTURE and its corresponding forces, either dramatic or subtle. So, no one can account for every eventuality. The FUTURE is impregnated of many eventualities that dare conception and imagination.

PS_2: Some people asked me where I get my ideas from. I have been involved with some of the most demanding and capricious clients, employers, allies, and scholars. It is not always fun, but I usually get hired when a noted institution needs a near-impossible situation to be turned around into a fully possible one. Among my direct clients, there has been GE, Toyota, Mitsubishi, World Bank, GMAC, TNT Delivery Express, Packmail, and PDVSA (CITGO’s parent company) and its operations in the Western Hemisphere, also leading executives of General Electrics and Abbott Laboratories. Through joint ventures, my clients are MAPFRE, STATOIL, TOTAL (TOTAL FINA), CONOCO, Philips Petroleum, and British Petroleum (BP). There are, within my professional career, some 30 years of deep thinking, pondering, researching, managing, consulting, analyzing, strategizing, empirical experimenting / testing, as well as surveying and privately interviewing world-class business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, thinkers, and people committed to determined creativity and innovation, seeking to instill value to the world. I do overwhelming studying, researching and experimenting, learning from mistakes and positive findings early. I have the luck to have been mentored lavishly by parents, master-degree students, senior professors, researchers, and applied scientists, among many other representatives of prominent corporations and institutions into sophisticated technocracy. I have and always will have the greatest respect for science and applied scientists. To the extent that I habitually undertake any initiative with the standard scientific method (rigor with vigor and accuracy), keeping my mind always open and updated (as much as possible) through a detailed, all-encompassing vista of challenges and efforts. In addition and for a number of years, I have been developing and instituting my own methodology to developmental thinking, holistic thinking, and systemic/systematic/Gestalt, insightful discernment based on the systems methodology, systems methodology as it is utilized by eminent exact-science practitioners. I am also into professional development, mentoring, and teaching. It is worth remembering that I teach to learn. On the Web – among other occupations and skills – I am into extensive blogging and writing. This so that I learn a bit more every time.

PS_3: I am not a moralist. I am working, everyday, to better and polish not only my intellectuality, but also my spirituality. I still have a long way to go, since I am not perfect, I’m human but one that’s extremely highly to capture the best within myself and within my real possibilities. I do observe and, above all, practice universal values to the best extent feasible.

PS _4: We live in a world that is truly needy. There are many essentials unsatisfied, beginning with people starved and besieged by horrendous illnesses. They also lack education. If they do not posses education, there are illiterate. In all possible, all citizen of the world—regardless of their whereabouts or location— must help this people to onboard a decent civilization. I oft speak against the ignorant, but only that person that has a tertiary education and has expressly made the choice to belonging to a devastating elite, namely “THE SUPINE IGNORAMUS CLUB.” They have the smarts, the education, the resources to make a difference in their lives, communities, and the world. Nonetheless, with the wealth they made (I hope legally and under legitimacy), they believed to be so empowered not to go back to researching, studying, and schooling seriously and vigorously. BECAUSE OF THE INCREASINGLY GRAVEST DYNAMICS OF THE WORLD, THE SUPINE IGNORAMUS CLUB BECOMES A HEAVY LIABILITY FOR THE TOTALITY OF THE CIVILIZATION ON THE FACE OF EARTH. They also are terrible role models to our children, youngsters, and early adults. And these club members are imperiling their own existence and that of those who directly and indirectly rely on them. These types—in an Eon of perpetual and intertwined and superposed phenomena—will get in the ultimate state of bewilderment. Why? Because they decided to access FUTURE walking backwards to it as they keep their minds cryogenized, remembering and keeping solely concentrating on the inconsequential remnants of an already fossilized PAST. If at all, when they look at thing, they remain on the surface, never committing to in-depth analysis. Any analysis they acrimoniously reject with enduring force. A noted psychiatrist will probably say that there are two pathologies going on. First, they are playing light, without acknowledging that their lives will be at default without a bail-out deal. Second, they are playing—knowingly or not— at being destructive (to others) and/or self-destructive (to oneself).

PS_5: All terms hereof pertains to the grandiose Shakespearean lingua franca. Others systems, not as enriched as the latter, are ineffectual and inconsequential and not as delightful a sophisticated to communicate complex thoughts unambiguously.

PS_6: All quotations not otherwise cited are from the interviews conducted by the author or personal communications sent to the author.

PS_7: The terms “Innovist,” “Creativist,” "Creationistsm," “Transformative And Integrative Risk Management,”

and “TransLeardership,” are of my sole invention, which I came up when

I decided that existing words were simply too awkward and not sufficiently

as all-encompassing. Through my ‘world wide web’ publications, the reader can

verify my assertion. Because of the forceful changes imposed to humankind,

I’ll keep on developing new terms to respectfully and amicably challenge the

reader's intellect in general. In due time and only when and if a new term is

available and into my use as the originator,

I will make an official press release.

PS_8: When I mention the word “secular” I do not mean to express anything at all against God. The universal values of sacred scriptures are in due place and completely observed. Taking responsibility is my actual reality. The permanent and rampant and increasing violation of ethics and morality we are seeing, at all levels, makes the application of these values a sine qua non.

PS_9: I am not a moralist. I am working, everyday, to better and polish not only my intellectuality, but also my spirituality. I still have a long way to go, since I am not perfect, I’m human but one that’s extremely highly to capture the best within myself and within my real possibilities. I do observe and, above all, practice universal values to the best extent feasible.

PS _10: We live in a world that is truly needy. There are many essentials unsatisfied, beginning with people starved and besieged by horrendous illnesses. They also lack education. If they do not posses education, there are illiterate. In all possible, all citizen of the world—regardless of their whereabouts or location— must help this people to onboard a decent civilization. I oft speak against the ignorant, but only that person that has a tertiary education and has expressly made the choice to belonging to a devastating elite, namely “THE SUPINE IGNORAMUS CLUB.” They have the smarts, the education, the resources to make a difference in their lives, communities, and the world. Nonetheless, with the wealth they made (I hope legally and under legitimacy), they believed to be so empowered not to go back to researching, studying, and schooling seriously and vigorously. BECAUSE OF THE INCREASINGLY GRAVEST DYNAMICS OF THE WORLD, THE SUPINE IGNORAMUS CLUB BECOMES A HEAVY LIABILITY FOR THE TOTALITY OF THE CIVILIZATION ON THE FACE OF EARTH. They also are terrible role models to our children, youngsters, and early adults. And these club members are imperiling their own existence and that of those who directly and indirectly rely on them. These types—in an Eon of perpetual and intertwined and superposed phenomena—will get in the ultimate state of bewilderment. Why? Because they decided to access FUTURE walking backwards to it as they keep their minds cryogenized, remembering and keeping solely concentrating on the inconsequential remnants of an already fossilized PAST. If at all, when they look at thing, they remain on the surface, never committing to in-depth analysis. Any analysis they acrimoniously reject with enduring force. A noted psychiatrist will probably say that there are two pathologies going on. First, they are playing light, without acknowledging that their lives will be at default without a bail-out deal. Second, they are playing—knowingly or not— at being destructive (to others) and/or self-destructive (to oneself).


Speaking Of Success Tenets, I Would Like To Make This Brief Commentary For Your Greatest Reflection.

There are many ways to empower the self with savvy power of own discernment. By way of example, let’s touch two practical items. There is, from this corner or angle, a huge thinking empowerment when the incumbent (i) is able to do, and (ii) is as well aware of becoming self-refrained to being able to do. People from the East part of the world declare, “sometimes less is more.” This is really true, chiefly for those people that bring science and other forms of knowledge way beyond and above the ‘farfetched’ extremes. It takes a rogue and tough– though with extreme refinement– mind to be extremely insightful to know when to cut-back on the intensity of his / her specific line of practice at the moment. In most case, the need for MUCH MORE is, by large, the optimal rule lacking to our disgrace. Of course, because this manager’s disgrace– when gains critical mass into being a pseudo-universal practice–is adding up an immensurable burden to global civilization. That is why so many noted statesmen, such as former Prime Minister Tony Blair, make a huge emphasis on education. I believe, when dealing with this crucial issue, he pronounces the term “education” thrice every time. By his own earned right, Warren Buffet is also aligned with Blair, supporting broadly and boldly the problem to enhancing education at all levels. Bill Gates, too, has addressed the U.S. Senate on the relevance and urgency of the troubling topic.

AGOSTINI SUCCESS TENET # 26 - (metaphoric ideas for updated management practitioners)

Don’t worry about being surprised by the unexpected. Just carry on expecting the unexpected, regardless of the implicated chaos. Create instability as the essence of your strategy. Keep in mind: a more volatile external environment requires a less stable internal world. Seek out substitutes and opportunities to increase productivity by measuring the mass used in your business today, and getting it to decrease every year. Respond with more rapid and varied adaptation.


Conduct thousands of tests of products, prices, features, packages, marketing channels, credit policies, account management, customer service, collections, and retention. Make informed but subjective judgments. Push ahead before the competition could catch up. Seize the opportunity—even when not really prepared.


Empower talented people. Accelerate talented people very quickly, because that’s where you get the value. Place bets on future values. Cross boundaries, change jobs, and form new teams to meet evolving needs. Align with the business. Use good economic judgment. Be flexible. And be empathetic to your colleagues.


It’s okay to break the rules in the right way. Going around doing randomly disconnected things. Develop all the peripheral relationships you need to be effective organizationally. Manage the connections rather than the structure. Also know how to hybridize.


Reach out to others with corresponding roles across the organization to learn and share ideas. Move around and support your colleagues when needed. Enable innovation by bringing DIVERSE elements together. Without these kinds of connections, DIVERSITY has little inherent value.


Empower others and yourself by the whole chaotic percolation of ideas at the bottom of the organization. Bear in mind: Empirical evidence, based on small tests, always carried the day. Attract very bright people with initial proof of concept, then plug them into your organizational structure.


Maintain common interfaces and cross-functional capabilities that allow work to flow and value chains to talk to each other. Harvest the idea, then propagate it wildly before the mimicry of competition sets in.


Employ diversification to spread their risks. Be willing to take the risk of shaping the future according to your own design. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but don put all your eggs in one basket. Beware of this: Discontinuities, irregularities, and volatilities seem to be proliferating. Remember: Without risks, life poses no mystery.


Seed, select, amplify, and destabilize the situation are the two management ideas for accelerated evolution. Don’t expect a perfect feedback system in a volatile environment. Don’t be excellent at doing; be excellent at changing, too.


Explore the extremes, where nonlinear effects kick in. Sometimes, the extremes contain pleasant, nonlinear surprises. Imagine things that engender loyalty towards your organization. Through experimentation with detailed measurements and discipline and logical analysis, you find profitable innovations.


Test things at the bottom of the organization that lead to big insights. Test, experiment, measure, and optimize. Institute hard-core analytic optimization. Architect your entire infrastructure to operate in real time. Let your account-management programs to be driven by experimentation.


Dream up programs that might be of value to customers, and then test them. A successful test often triggers other behaviors, and you should follow these with more new offers. Shift to roll-out, because ah of a sudden your competition get a preponderance of one product of my organization that they’ve never seen before.


Have a free flow of resources to where the value is. Rather than penalizing people who fail, praise them for their commitment and intentions. Reinforce the tolerance of risk and failure. Revise your best practices. Observe, orient, decide, act. First to fight now means first to learn.


Fly great distances, meet new people, and encounter new ideas. Have a freedom of thought, the passion for experimentation, and the desire to imagine your future. Believe in not commonly believed opinions.


It’s about getting more from less. That’s the true road to wealth. Focus on changes, challenges, and opportunities. Earn more while spending less. Reach a higher level of output. Pursue profit maximization. Remain competitive. Adapt to revolutionary innovations in technology and business efficiency the soonest. Craft value creating relationships. Establish guidelines, offer insight, and provide inspiration. Identify, analyze, and maximize your learning opportunities.


Evaluate, identify, select, negotiate, manage, turn around, govern, implement, anticipate, and ensure success. Generate immediate cost savings. Realize a cash infusion from the sale of assets. Relieve the burden of staffing.


Be freer to direct your attention to the more strategic aspects of your job. Keep your logic compelling.


Destabilize in order to live closer to the edge of chaos. This means being agile enough to change as the environment does, but not so fluid as to lose its defining structure. Walk the walk as well as talking the talk of the Adaptive Enterprise.


A lesson: The word adaptation describes the interaction between an organism and its environment.


TO BEAR IN MIND! But one thing an evolutionary and ecological perspective tells us for sure: If several major forces are at work, they will not progress in separate straight lines —they will interact chaotically, creating unforeseen changes.


Be willing to adapt very quickly, to pounce on an opportunity when you see it, to change the organization, to think about new developments, and to be always very open to any change in any direction.


You have to be the equivalent of selective forces in nature, which calls for a willingness to let people in the organization to explore, to flourish and develop.


Separate to promote independence, selfish thinking, and local solutions. Learn from each other’s mistakes and successes, and you’ll get better and be able to operate at a much more accelerated pace, based upon the knowledge that has been transferred.


Get your organization into a massive amount of knowledge and experience that creates a great breeding stock for subsequent ventures.


Explore continually evolving technology and applications, while also creating different units to exploit commercial opportunities not always closely related to the founding capabilities.


Replenish customers on demand. Take the client as an agent, and create an agent-based point of view.


Seek the hidden. De-learn the learned. Make the covert overt. Implement ipso facto.


De-peril your risks. Empower your financial risks to work for you. Hire them; get resigned from your bricks-and-mortars (a future not plausible).


Plan, lead, and manage.


Understand your business depth today. Develop better ways to service your enterprise in the future.


Before “outsourcing,” NOW ‘Worldwide Sourcing’ or ‘Competitive Sourcing’.


Have fewer staff and run a lean operation. Favor those who leverage third-party relationships that don’t tie up capital and consume resources.


Strategically enhance your organization’s core competencies. Address any outstanding issue with your employees, unions, and the community. Find the lowest total cost or best value.


Recognize impact on internal operations. Capture the big picture.


Track benefits, realize quick wins, and motivate critical stakeholders to remain committed.


Early anticipation of changes can drastically reduce the time and cost of addressing them. Seek the quick win (that long forgotten in an ignored —but mission-critical— flank).


Research assiduously which of the available external market capabilities fit best with your strategic objectives.


Articulate these management principles more precisely, implement them more systematically, and rely less on the intuition of a few gifted leaders. Don’t write strategy, GROW IT. Don’t think in terms of maximizing your share of the market but of maximizing your share of experience. Build an innovation laboratory capable of creating a steady stream of the new ideas to stay ahead of the competition.


Differentiate or die. Be mindful that improvisation is too important to be left to the fortuitous. Consider that life is sustainable through the unperceived and those universal laws that are unknown to us. Continuity is over-dead; it hasn’t yet reincarnated. History will be reshaped by the sudden and sharp change, namely “frenzy volatility.”


Launch your employees with confidence into a somewhat chaotic environment, knowing that they will direct themselves toward optimal performance to success. Instill in the staff a loose, self-organizing culture—in search of new opportunities. Motivate and develop others to learn to change to prevail. Sharing ideas, “…an eye is not an eye because you see it; an eye is an eye because it sees you…” —Antonio Machado.

Andres Agostini (Ich Bin Singularitarian!)

(High-Tech Visionary and Researching Strategist, Advisor on Management/Business/Leadership)


[*] Advanced Risk Management (enterprise-plus)

[*] Systems Security, Systems Reliability, Quality Assurance From The Systems Methodology

[*] Strategic Planning/Management

[*] Innovation Management & Management Thinking

[*] Business Concept Development, either based and/or related to Internet

[*] Organizational Transformation

[*] Alignment, Re-Alignment, Downsizing, Rightsizing, Reengineering

[*] Performance Enhancement

[*] Outsourcing, Offshoring, Insourcing, Cosourcing, SmartSourcing, CrossedSourcing, Multisourcing

[*] Corporate Governance

[*] Health-care/Automobile Fleets Risks and Services

[*] Specialized on Making Strategic Alliances and Coalitions

[*] Focused, too, on Professional Futurology and Scenario Method

[*] Teaches and Counsels on How To Apply–step by step–Millennium-3 Leadership (TransLeadership!—authored by Andy-Andres Agostini)

[*] Application to all solutions and challenges radiant thinking, by instituting all of the advantages of all methods and techniques—cohesively and congruently—to pervasively marshal in hear-gear both brain’s hemisphere in UNISON

[*] Intercultural Counseling

[*] Interpreter and Translator

[*] Executive Coach & Corporate Indoctrinator and Trainer. And Mentor.

[*] Cyber Author on The Web (clearly)

[*] Keynote speaker (science, technology, management, business, innovation, trends, etc.)


Andres Agostini (Andy)

Research, Consultancy, and Training

(c) Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini

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